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Friday, April 2, 2021

10 Fears hinder growth

Fears that can hold you back from making decisions that promote business growth

We all feel fear at some point in our life as humans. Fear is a normal feeling that can be brought on by a range of events and has a big influence on how we make decisions. Fear can be especially sneaky when it comes to the expansion of a business since it can keep us from taking the calculated risks and courageous decisions that are frequently necessary for success. In this article, we'll look at 10 common worries that can prevent you from taking actions that will help your business flourish.

 1.      Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is arguably the most prevalent concern that might prevent you from taking actions that will foster business success. Due to the frequently high stakes involved and the potentially serious consequences of failure, this anxiety can be particularly intense in business owners and entrepreneurs. 

Because you can be worried about the possible repercussions if things do not work out as planned, 

failure fear can keep you from taking chances and making courageous decisions.

According to Barbara Corcoran, an entrepreneur and investor on the TV show Shark Tank, "The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves after they make a mistake." Rather than fearing failure, successful business owners embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow. As Corcoran notes, "Every failure is a stepping stone to something better."

2.      Fear of Rejection

Another common fear that can hold you back from making decisions that promote business growth is the fear of rejection. This fear can manifest in a variety of ways, from a reluctance to pitch your business to potential investors to a fear of asking for help or advice.

However, as entrepreneur and author Seth Godin notes, "The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing." In other words, if you don't take the risk of putting yourself out there, you'll never know what could have been. Remember that rejection is not personal, and it's not a reflection of your worth as a person or as a business owner.

3.      Fear of Success

Believe it or not, the fear of success can be just as debilitating as the fear of failure. If you're not used to success, it can be overwhelming and intimidating, and you may be afraid of the additional responsibilities and expectations that come with it.

However, as entrepreneur and author Brian Tracy notes, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Don't let the fear of success prevent you from making the bold decisions that could propel your business to new heights.

4.      Fear of Change

Change is inevitable, but that doesn't mean it's easy. The fear of change can hold you back from making decisions that promote business growth, as you may be hesitant to try new things or take risks that could upset the status quo.

However, as entrepreneur and author Tony Robbins notes, "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and innovation, rather than a threat to the stability of your business.

5.      Fear of the Unknown

The fear of the unknown can be particularly strong in the world of business, as there are so many variables that are outside of your control. You may be afraid of taking risks or making decisions that could have unforeseen consequences.

However, as entrepreneur and investor Robert Herjavec notes, "The difference between a successful entrepreneur and a non-successful entrepreneur is the ability to embrace risk." Don't let the fear of the unknown prevent you from taking calculated risks and making bold decisions.

6.      Fear of Making the Wrong Decision

Making decisions can be stressful, particularly when there's a lot at stake. The fear of making the wrong decision can hold you back from taking action, as you may be afraid of the potential consequences if you choose the wrong path.

However, as entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss notes, "What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do." Remember that there is no such thing as a perfect decision, and even if you make a mistake, you can always course-correct and make a better decision in the future.

7.      Fear of Criticism

Criticism can be hard to take, particularly when it's directed at something you've worked hard on, like your business. The fear of criticism can prevent you from taking risks or making decisions that could be unpopular.

However, as author and speaker Brené Brown notes, "If you're not in the arena getting your ass kicked, I'm not interested in your feedback." Don't let the fear of criticism prevent you from taking bold action and pursuing your vision for your business.

8.      Fear of Losing Control

As a business owner, it can be hard to relinquish control and trust others to help you grow your business. The fear of losing control can prevent you from delegating tasks, hiring new employees, or collaborating with others.

However, as entrepreneur and author Jim Rohn notes, "You cannot make progress without making decisions." Remember that you can't do everything on your own, and sometimes the best decisions are made with the input and expertise of others.

9.      Fear of Running Out of Money

Money is a necessary component of business growth, and the fear of running out of money can be a major obstacle to making bold decisions. You may be hesitant to invest in new projects or take risks that could drain your resources.

However, as entrepreneur and author Simon Sinek notes, "The cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake." Don't let the fear of running out of money prevent you from making the bold decisions that could lead to long-term success and financial stability.

10.  Fear of Succession

As a business owner, it can be hard to think about the future and what will happen to your business when you're no longer at the helm. The fear of succession can prevent you from making decisions that could set your business up for long-term success and stability.

However, as entrepreneur and author Richard Branson notes, "Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to." Remember that preparing for succession is an important part of long-term business growth, and investing in the development of your employees and successors can be a powerful way to ensure the future success of your business.

In conclusion, fear can be a powerful force that holds us back from making the bold decisions that are often necessary for business growth. However, by recognizing and addressing these 10 basic fears, you can build the courage and resilience needed to take risks, make decisions, and pursue your vision for success.


·         Corcoran, B. (2013). Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 into a Billion Dollar Business. Penguin.

·         Godin, S. (2009). Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us. Portfolio.

·         Tracy, B. (2011). No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline. Vanguard Press.

·         Robbins, T. (2017). Unshakeable: Your Guide to Financial Freedom. Simon & Schuster.

·         Herjavec, R. (2016). You Don't Have to Be a Shark: Creating Your Own Success. St. Martin's Press.



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